Friday, 23 December 2011

Web Design Categories | instantShift

Categories | instantShift


InstantShift is leading design and inspiration related community for web designers and developers daily resource and premium web design and development blog.

iShift offers content on various subjects ranging from basic HTML to Network Security. We generally publish in web design and development, social networking, CMS (content management systems), SEO/Meta tags content, java script and ajax, wordpress, photoshop, network & internet security, mobile applications/devices, hardware tech, e-commerce solutions & applications as well as best programming and coding practices. in and all, we have few major categories related to some particular aspect of web design and development.

Current Active Categories

Our audience is very targeted and it consists of web designers, web developers, bloggers and enthusiast, most of them professionals that visit this site on daily basis. We delivers fresh and high quality content under following categories as we believe in quality not quantity.

If you have any suggestion then don’t hesitate, just send it over. We read through every email we receive, and we try our best to answer them all. So feel free to contact us via our contact form.

Saturday, 10 December 2011

Blogger - 101 High Quality CSS And XHTML Free Templates And Layouts: Part 1

Blogger - 101 High Quality CSS And XHTML Free Templates And Layouts: Part 1

101 High Quality CSS And XHTML Free Templates And Layouts: Part 1

CSS Tips and Tricks for Blogger. ~ The Blog Doctor.

CSS Tips and Tricks for Blogger. ~ The Blog Doctor.


CSS Tips and Tricks for Blogger.

New Visitor? Like what you read? Then please subscribe to my Blog Feed or sign up for Free Email Updates. Thanks for Visiting!

Here are some tips and tricks for Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) in your blog.......

In old Blogger the css section is enclosed between tags. In new Blogger the css follows the same rules except that it is enclosed between and tags. For more details on how the template is structured see Parts of the Template. These are called as embedded style sheets since they are embedded within the document itself. However you can import other style sheets using this coding :

Monday, 14 November 2011

Blogger Hacks Part 1: Creating a static homepage | The Code King

Blogger Hacks Part 1: Creating a static homepage | The Code King

Blogger Hacks Part 1: Creating a static homepage | Wednesday, 9 February 2011


After searching around for somewhere to host my site I finally settled with Blogger. Why? Because I decided I preferred the choice of templates and in particular the drag-drop gadgets and page elements.

What I didn't like is that it is purely a blogging site. This is quite restrictive in terms of content as I really wanted the ability to create more of a website than a blog.

Well after a bit of trial and error, it turns out the new Blogger templates are fairly easy to 'hack', and as such I've managed to get the best of both worlds. I have the cool WYSIWYG gadgets and templates of Blogger, but have also fashioned a static home page and navigation structure.


This article has been updated to reflect the simplified technique that I'm currently using for this website. There are also several alternative techniques which involve editing the Blogger template directly, or by making use of the new static pages. I've briefly described these solutions below for reference.

Simplified Technique

This technique is simply a Blogger setting which allows a user to limit the number of blogs displayed on the default page. By changing this setting to 1, a static homepage is created which will always display the most recent post. By manually configuring the publish dates of the blogs you can then control which content will will displayed on the homepage.

To set the post limit login to the Blogger console and navigate to Settings -> Formatting. Change the "show at most" setting to "1 post".

Next override the publish date of the post you wish to display on the homepage. This can be found in the Post Options menu at the bottom of the blog editor.

Template Redirect Hack

An alternative technique I've previously written about involves editing the Blogger template, and adding code to redirect to a URL of choice. This has the advantage that you don't have to manually edit the post dates every time you create a new post, but does break the Blogger designer view and is not SEO friendly.

To implement the redirect on the homepage login to the console and navigate to the template editor Design -> Edit HTML.

Backup your existing template before making changes.

Using the editor scroll down to the tag, and insert the following code directly beneath this line. Replace with the URL you wish to use as your homepage (this should be the URL of a specific post, or you could use a static page now supported by Blogger).

1<b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'>
2 <meta content='0;url=' http-equiv='refresh'/>

The code above causes a client-side redirect as soon as the page loads. If you really want to go all-out and improve the implementation further, you can also include the following edits. This will reduce the time taken for the initial page-load prior to the redirect and further improve the user experience. It also provides a manual link for users with JavaScript disabled. I'd recommend only making these changes if you are comfortable editing HTML.

Using the editor scroll down and locate the tag in the template. You now need to wrap the entire contents of the tag with the following code. This is everything inside the tag and the tag.

2 <b:if cond='data:blog.url != data:blog.homepageUrl'>
3 [existing template code]
4 <b:else/>
5 <p> If the page doesn't automatically refresh click <a href=''>herea>.p>
6 b:if>

Remember that with this technique in place you will not be able to use the Blogger designer to manage your gadgets. To do this you will need to temporarily disable the hack.


That's all there is to it. In the next article I'll explain how to set up a navigation structure within Blogger.

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The Real Blogger Status: Make A Static Home Page For Your Blog

The Real Blogger Status: Make A Static Home Page For Your Blog

uesday, May 25, 2010

Make A Static Home Page For Your Blog

OK, everybody knows that, with a Blogger blog, you can't really make a static home page. That's one of the known limitations of Blogger blogs. The home page of a Blogger blog will contain the most recent posts - as specified by the Settings - Formatting "Show at most" value.

So, just don't show any posts on the main page. That's not a lot of work, really.
  1. In Settings - Formatting, set "Show at most" to 0 posts.
  2. Add a "Welcome" gadget, using an HTML / Text gadget. Or compose a "Welcome" gadget using Post Editor, if you want a really shiny static home page. You'll have a couple choices for positioning the new gadget.
    • If you want your Welcome gadget to look like a "Welcome" post, you can position it just above the Blog Posts gadget, and have the sidebar(s) visible.
    • If you want your Welcome gadget to look like a "welcome" header message,, you can position it just below the blog header, and have the sidebar(s) below it and not visible.
  3. Tweak the "Welcome" gadget, so it only displays on home page.
  4. Remove the Status Message code from the template, so your readers don't have to look at the "No posts were found which match your query" / "Showing posts with label" message (both messages are produced by the same code).
  5. Add a custom pages index, to index the pages and posts in this blog, and other blogs. You can have either true static pages - or you can have dynamic pages, using labels.
  6. You're done - check it out.

If you wish, look at my Static WebSite Test blog, and see how simple it is. Note that my example shows a linklist in the sidebar, with mostly links to other blogs. It's a separate task (no more complicated than this one) to create a menu bar for this blog, to index pages and posts in this blog.

Monday, 29 August 2011

How to Embed a Web Page on Another Site? – exploring computer hardware, software, Internet blogging, technology and gadgets » Blog Archive » How to Embed a Web Page on Another Site?

How to Embed a Web Page on Another Site?

Have you ever wondered if you can embed website contents from one website to another? It’s doable and perfectly simple. But is it legal or not? I dunno about the legality of which, but if you own both sites then for sure it’s permissible I think. I have posted before about My Little Forum a Basic Web Forum. I have used MLF and embedded it as part of the Gender Development Studies (GDS) site.

How does one do this? There’s no need long list of code, or complex JavaScript coding, but it uses pure simple HTML tags. The trick is to use Inline Frame or what we call IFRAME to embed an HTML document with the main document.

I have a sample code below as used in my website project:

A short explanation:

height – sets the height of the inline frame in pixels

width – sets the width in this case 100% represent that it will use the full width available

frameborder – specifies if a border is shown or not for the frame

src – specifies the source HTML page to be embeded in the main document

The text between the opening tag is the text message that will be shown whenever the client browser does not support IFRAME.

See it working in the Gender Development Studies Forum. There’s no magic in it and it’s very practical to use at times. If you are looking for a simple and solution to embedding website contents from another website then IFRAME tag could be the answer. This is HTML tag based solution so it works for all major Internet Browser such as FireFox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari, Google Chrome, and more. Well you can try it too.

How to Embed Almost Anything in your Website

How to Embed Almost Anything in your Website

Learn how to embed almost anything in your HTML web pages from Flash videos to Spreadsheets to high resolution photographs to static images from Google Maps and more.

Embed RSS Feeds in Web Pages

Go to this page, replace the feed URL with your own feed, use the default color scheme or change it to something else and then click Get Code. You'll get a JavaScript snippet that can be easily placed in the sidebar of your blog.

If you like to embed feeds from multiple sources, merge all of them into one using Yahoo Pipes and then pass the combined feed to the Google Gadget. You can also use RSS widgets like WidgetBox or YourMinis that are done in Flash and not JavaScript.

Embed High Quality or HD YouTube Videos

To embed a high resolution version of YouTube clip in your web pages, first make sure that “Watch in High Quality” or “Watch in HD” link exists next to the YouTube player as most videos are only available in standard format.

Next copy the YouTube embed code and append &ap=%2526fmt%3D18 (for high quality) or &ap=%2526fmt%3D22 (for 720p High Definition) to the URL value of the movie parameter in both instances (see YouTube HD example).

Embed MP3 music and other Audio

If you like to embed audio files like songs, podcasts or interviews in your web pages, use Yahoo! Media Player - its a free Flash music player that automatically detects all links to MP3 files in the current web page and turns them into a music player. Another alternative is the Google MP3 Player.

To embed other audio formats like 3GP, Midi, Real or Windows Media, it may be a good idea to convert these files into MP3 using Zamzar so that they play on almost any web browser.

Embed Flickr Photos and Slideshows

To embed an individual Flickr photograph in your blog, click the "Share This" link (available next to the photo title) and choose embed it. Flickr requires that the embedded image should link back to Flickr and this built-in embed option automatically takes care of that requirement. (see example)

To embed a Flickr photo slideshow in your web page, open any Slideshow in a new page (see example) and choose "Customize HTML" from the embed option (see example). Here you can specify a custom size for your Flash slideshow so that it fits just right into your web page.

Embed Picasa Web Albums

When you open a photo album inside Picasa, click the link in the right sidebar that says "Link to this album" and choose "Embed Slideshow". You can use the same approach to embed individual photographs that are available inside Picasa.

Embed Events from Google Calendar

Click the drop-down arrow next to any Google Calendar and select Calendar settings. Open the Google Embeddable Calendar Helper program by clicking the customize button and choose elements that you want to display or hide in the calendar.

Embed Very Large Photographs

To embed really large images in your blog, you may either use Deep Zoom or the Google Maps viewer. These programs break your photographs in small tiles and you can even pan / zoom across these images very similar to the default interface of Google Maps.

Embed Charts and Graphs in Web Pages

My personal favorite is Zoho Sheet – any chart created inside Zoho Sheet can be published as an external image without exposing the full spreadsheet. If you are interested in creating charts with low volume of data, use Google Charts.

Embed GIF Animations and Screencasts

GIF animations (see example) are a perfect way to embed short screencasts in web pages as they require no plugins and auto-play inside feed readers. You should upload GIF files to your Flickr account as it preserve all the frames while lot of other image hosting website will drop anything after the first frame.

Embed Chat in your Blog

If you like to chat with visitors who are currently on your site, get the chat widget from Meebo Me and place it in the sidebar of your website. Visitors show up in your Meebo buddy list so you can strike up a conversation, answer questions, or just keep tabs on guests. Also see some more options to embed chat in blogs.

Embed Word Documents

Upload your document to Scribd and they'll give you the embed code in Flash. Scribd supports both doc and the new Office 2007 docx format in addition to Open Office documents. Even Barack Obama is using Scribd to upload his public documents and upcoming plan.

Embed PowerPoint Presentations

While the popular choice is Slideshare, you should also consider using Issuu (best web application) for presentations that are either large or formatted in the form of magazines or catalogues (see example). The only downside is that Issuu accepts PDFs so you need to convert the presentation before uploading onto Issuu.

Embed Spreadsheet Data

Both Zoho Sheet and Google Docs allow you to publish a range of cells from a spreadsheet into a web page but the embedding process in Zoho is less complicated - select a range and choose "Publish" from the contextual menu to embed that range into your web page.

Embed Adobe PDF Files

To embed PDFs in a web page, you can either use Issuu (for magazine style PDFs) or Scribd for PDFs has either have lot of text or have a top-to-bottom reading layout similar to Word documents.

Embed Flash (SWF) or Flash Video (FLV)

The best option to embed Flash content is via swfobject. It improves the overall user experience by providing alternatives in case Flash is missing and your Flash content also becomes more searchable. This tutorial has all the files and other details to help you get started with SwfObject 2.

Related: How to Embed FLV Flash Videos

Embed LinkedIn Profile

If you wish to display your LinkedIn profile in the sidebar of your blog, try LinkInABox. People (site visitors) can read a summary of your LinkedIn profile without leaving the site.

Embed Google Maps in Web Pages

Embedding a Google Map in your website is now almost as easy as adding an image – just open the Static Maps wizard, search for location that you want to embed and specify the dimensions of your map. They’ll provide a simple URL that actually points to a static image of that map.

Embed Another Webpage in your Blog

If you like to embed another website into your web page, your best bet is an IFRAME tag also known as an Inline Frame. Just set the SRC value to the address of the web page that you want to embed into your current HTML document. You could try IFRAMEs for inserting live search results from Google into your web page without having to worry about APIs.

Embed Windows Media or QuickTime movies

While it is possible to embed mov or wmv videos in web pages directly using the OBJECT tag, I recommend that you put these videos onto and then embed them in web pages as Flash video. That’s because your visitors can then play the video without extra plugins and two, they always have the option to download the video in the original format from servers.

Embed Other Fonts in Web Pages

Most web pages use universal fonts like Arial, Times New Roman or Verdana since they are installed on most computers and hence your web pages will render correctly. If you want to try something different and render pages in fonts like Microsoft Calibri or Adobe Garamond Pro that are only available on some machines, all you need is sIFR – it lets you use almost any font for your web pages using JavaScript + Flash and is perfect for writing “newspaper style” headlines.

Embed your Lifestream in a Web Page

You have a presence on YouTube, Flickr, Twitter,, Facebook, Amazon and a dozen other online places. It can get really tough for friends to track you at so many places so what you should do is create an account at FriendFeed, import all the different services that you use and then use the FriendFeed Badge to embed your lifestream activity on your main site. You can also create Lifestream with Google Reader.

Related tutorial: How to Embed Video in PowerPoint

How to Embed Almost Anything in your Website

Saturday, 20 August 2011

Design software - Balsamiq Mockups | Balsamiq

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Saturday, 13 August 2011

How to Feed a blog to a Website | 365 Web Applications for Designers

Howto Feed a blog to a Website | 365 Web Applications for Designers
Almost all blog software and blog sites have feeds that list the latest blog posts. An easy way to keep visitors updated on your site is to also list the blog posts. This article goes over how to add a PHP script to your website to list the latest blog posts.

  • Download the Magpie RSS Feed display tool

  • Create a rss subdirectory in your site and expand the contents of the Magpie software into that directory.

  • Include the rss feed reader at the top of the page you want the feed to display.

  • Paste the following code where you want the blog feed to display on your site.

  • Now locate the link to your blogs RSS feed. This is usually indicated by a link like “Feed” “RSS” or “Subscribe.” Right click on it and copy the link and then paste in the spot in the code from above where it says your_feed_url_here.

  • You can now publish the updated page to your site and view the feed. You can also modify the feed to display the way you want. The Magpie website and zip contain some more detailed examples.

Happy blogging!

Friday, 12 August 2011

Google appears to have stopped indexing new post as of 20 Oct - Webmaster Central Help

Google appears to have stopped indexing new post as of 20 Oct - Webmaster Central Help

Google appears to have stopped indexing new post as of 20 Oct Report abuse

Level 1

I have read the FAQs and checked for similar issues: YES

My site's URL (web address) is:

Description (including timeline of any changes made):

Google robot appear to have stopped indexing new posts on my blogspot BLOG as of 20 Oct. Until then it was almost immediate

Webmaster tool has a NDS timeout notice . But server is blogger ie Google . Is the problem there?

Last Cache : 19 Oct

Any replies guys? Totally buffled . I think its a google / blogger server problem that I hope will be fixed

Best answers

Level 1

Best answer - Striker123 (Asker) Go to this answer
Hi All,

Me too started facing this issue since 19-Oct-2010(Midnight IST) and I did extensive research on this and posted my findings in the thread.

Thread Link:

My major finding is that it is Blogger's internal bot that is failing to index the pages instantly not the Google Bot. If you wait for 1 or 2 days your pages will be indexed by Google Bot, but still your posts will not appear in the Goolge Blog Search API they will appear only in Google Web Search. As a result even Google bot indexes your new posts, still your new posts will not attract much traffic because they are not available for the Blogger Search API.

As per my experience Blogger Works this way.

1). When you start a new blog your pages will not be indexed by either Blogger Bot or Google Bot

2). After reaching certain posts/visits Blogger starts indexing your pages.

3). Once Blogger starts Indexing your blog all your subsequent new posts will be indexed instantly i.e. in less than 2 mins.



4). When the Blogger indexes your new posts instantly they will be available in the Blogger Index.

5). When you search in Google home page it will actually look into the Indexes created by Google Bot,Youtube Bot,Blogger Bot etc and fetches the results.

6). Normally many bloggers when they find their new posts instantly in Google Web search they assume that Google Bot indexed their new posts. This is wrong the new posts are actually indexed by Blogger internal Bot.

7). If Blogger Bot fails(This never happend with any blog in the past and started happening since 19-OCT-2010) to index your pages the Goolge Bot will still index your pages with out any issues. But depending on your blog's populatity it might take few hours to few weeks to be indexed by Google Bot.

8). The major advantage of the pages indexed by Blogger internal bot is that the posts will be available for both Google Web Search and Blogger Search API and this will acutally increase your traffic 10 fold.

Since 19-Oct-2010, I have posted 50 posts and none were got indexed by the Blogger internal bot, however due to the popularity of my blog the Google bot visits my blog every hour and indexes few posts. Like this out of 50 posts 47 are indexed by now, but still I am not getting significant traffic as these new posts are not available for the Blogger Search API.

Another strange thing that I have observed is that when Goolge Bot index your new blog posts it will not catche your pages assuming that Blogger has already catched the page. When new posts appear in the Google Search they do show the cathce link but when I click on it, it will say below message.

Your search - cache:DchG6HBba9MJ:blogposturl:serach key words - did not match any documents.

I have verified all my 47 pages indexed by Google bot and for all of them the Catche link is available but the Catche page is missing. I guess this is because it is assuming that Blogger has already stored the page but since the blogger failed to index our pages the Catche pages are not available. In the last couple of days the same issue was reported in many threads and they even provided the links to their posts. I could see that some of their pages are indexed by Google Bot after they reported the issue, but the Catche page is not available for these pages as well and also these pages are not appearing in the Blogger Search API results.

Also I did time line search using "Last 24hours" option in Google using the search string "anykeyword" and verified many blogs and found that there are many blogs affected by this issue, but not all.

Those who want to verify weather your posts are indexed by Blogger internal Bot or not they can visit the AJAX PLAYGROUND at

and see weather your new posts are being fetched by the Blogger Search API.

I think in the next few days this forum will be flooded with similar issues as many bloggers will notice their traffic reaching ground zero and only Google Employees can answer why Blogger Stopped indexing the posts instantly since 19-Oct-2010 for many blogs.

Please let me know how can we inform this issue to the Google Employees.


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5 Ways to Get Your Blog Indexed by Google in 24 Hours

5 Ways to Get Your Blog Indexed by Google in 24 Hours

We all know that content is king and that if you keep blogging… if you keep doing what you love… the traffic and the money will follow suit. While that’s partially true, there is also things that you can do to:

  • Index your newly launched blog fast by major Search Engines
  • Increase traffic to your blog
  • Improve your SERPs (Search Engine Result Positions)

Why wait right? Content can be king but waiting around for traffic to come by itself is not a good way to start blogging. So let’s start…

Getting Indexed

Let’s say you launched a blog today and want it on Google’s results tomorrow. Can this be done? Yes.

Easiest way to get indexed by major Search Engines is to get mentioned by established blogs. This usually will get your blog indexed within 24 hours. But since we are new (i.e the newly launched blog of ours) I don’t think any blogger want to mention it. So instead of begging other bloggers to notice your newly launched blog, you just have to figure out other ways of getting indexed by Google fast. Can it be done? Absolutely! (All it takes a little effort on your side).

1. Blog Communities

There are few blog related community portals that have a very good rankings in Google and other Major Search Engines Results, they are: MyBlogLog, BlogCatalog, Blogged and NetworkedBlogs, particularly MyBlogLog. This means that if you get your blog on these blog communities, Google will have no other choice but to index your blog. So, go ahead and register for an account on these communities and list your blog on it. Once you are done you will have a page like this, this and this.

What to pay attention: Your blog’s description (have a proper write-up), keywords & tags (add related keywords and tags to your listing, this will be used by other members to find your blog), branding (put your logo, avatars, screenshots etc. have a consistent branding everywhere), and list your blog in the correct category.

2. Site Valuation & Stats Sites

Some of those How Much Your Site Worth? sites have a good ranking in Search Engines. All you need to do is to go there and check how much your site worth. This would create a special page for your blog (like this) and consecutively it would be indexed by Google. Here is a list of worthy sites: WebsiteOutlook, StatBrain, CubeStat, WebTrafficAgents, BuiltWith, WhoIs, QuarkBase, URLfan and AboutTheDomain.

3. Feed Aggregators

List your blog’s feed in these feed aggregators Feed-Squirrel, OctoFinder, FeedAdage. Once you have submitted your feed to these sites, they will keep track of your newly published posts and index them in their site. Whenever someone clicks on the blog post title, he/she will be redirected to your original blog post sending you free traffic and getting your latest posts indexed by Google.

4. Social Sites

Registering account on Social Sites with the same username as your blog’s URL is very effective in getting your blog indexed by Search Engines. Especially for those targeted keywords.

For example, if your blog’s name is WhiteElephant, it’s a good practice to register the same username at twitter as @WhiteElephant, and to create a page in Facebook at Having a consistent keyword-username on all major Social Sites will help get your blog indexed faster, and at a later stage it will also help build a “brand” for your blog.

So, get account on major Social Sites for your newly launched blog, namely: Twitter, Facebook (create a page for your blog), Digg, StumbleUpon, Delicious etc. By the way, it’s a good pratice to create a separate Social Sites account for each of your projects. This way you can stay focused and post messages that are related to your project. In the long run, this will help build a community that are like-minded around your project.

Note from Darren: it’s worth nothing that many social media sites (like Twitter) use no follow tags on links which means the links don’t really help with SEO. Having said this – it’s still worth getting pages for your keywords/brand as these pages can rank in and of themselves in Google and can help you to have control over numerous search results for the same keyword.

5. Misc Sites

Squidoo is a community website that allows people to create pages (called “lenses”) on various topics. Creating a topic that is related to your blog and then including your feed in that page would help your blog get indexed by Search Engines. Squidoo used to have a really good ranking in Google results, but not so much today. But it’s still ranks well and it shouldn’t be neglected.

ChangeDetection is a website that monitors sites for changes. When you monitor a particular site using ChangeDetection, it will ask you whether you want the notices to be public or private. If you say public, it will be published in their news section. For example; got an update today, type of update: text additions etc. This of course will get picked up by Search Engines and Search Engines in return will index your blog.

Technorati is a search engine for searching blogs. According to Wikipedia, as of June 2008, Technorati was indexing 112.8 million blogs and over 250 million pieces of tagged social media. It’s a dying breed, but not just dead yet. You have to definitely register for an account and get your blog listed on Technorati.

That’s it. Once you are done with creating accounts and submitting your newly launched blog in the above mentioned sites, you should see your blog in Google’s Search Results within 24 hours. Most of the time it will appear within the next few hours only.

Lastly, getting indexed is one thing but sustaining that traffic is another. And this is where the Content is King phrase should truly be emphasized. Because, without a good and valuable content, all your effort will be just wasted.

I hope you have found this post useful.

Abdylas Tynyshov (Ades) is a full-time blogger based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He blogs at and is the creator of a great freeware color picker tool. You can follow him on twitter at @ades.

Blogger blog not indexed

 How the heck does one get a blogger blog indexed??? I put up a blogger blog over ten days ago and Google still hasn't indexed it. I did go to webmaster tools with it, and I pinged both posts. Don't know what else to do. Help !!!

I'd post the URL, but the blog is monetized, and I don't want to be accused of spamming the board.
Extract answers from forum:
Do a search Google and use link then colon and web address and you will get a list of all the pages that Google can see, also do a Google site map which will tell Google about what pages they should index and check you don't have any follow rages on the html code any-ware, do the same for yahoo and bing

Set up account with the sites below.… account………


Asker's Rating:

2 out of 5

Asker's Comment:

Thanks, I will try
Other answers:

Submitted link to and the googlebot finally picked it up.

You would think, since blogger is a Google property, that blogger blogs would be indexed

Make the most relevant articles
push with your best blog
automatically, but apparently that's not the case.

You need to get links to it , as long as its not been sandboxed you should get on the index pretty fast 

Ping your Perma link using autopinger, pingerfinger to quick index 
The fastest way to get your blogs indexed is to ping your blogs using various pinging sites and you should also build backlinks from other relevant blogs.  

submit your blog in it takes arount 7 days to croll after that ur blog will definitely index 

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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2011, 05:27 AM

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Originally Posted by surajdeshmukh View Post
See as you specified that you have created your blog about 5 - 6 days back and submitted sitemap in google webmasters also.the thing is sometimes it takes about more than 7 days to index your site in google. Just try submitting your site to high pr social bookmarking sites, and ping your blog with pingomatic sites.

Originally Posted by joejeson View Post
Sometimes It takes time so i do not think that you should be worry for that...

Originally Posted by marklowren View Post
Go on on post writting and give it just time All you need is time
My dear friends I already mentioned in my above post that my blog is indexed in google now and I am living happily ever after.

Last edited by cola2929; 02-08-2011 at 05:38 AM.

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Learning CSS Code: Effective Ways - TopTenREVIEWS

By Nathan Spicer Dec 2nd, 2010
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Throughout your life, you’ve undoubtedly been given multiple strategies for learning something. Well, similar to math and vocabulary, some techniques for learning CSS are more effective and efficient than simply consulting a site every time you need information.

Reword the Technical Definitions

One of the largest issues for many people is making sense of the technical definitions provided by most websites. For example, if you’re unsure what the "inherit" value for the "direction" property does, you’ll probably reference a CSS tutorial website. If that site is fond of technical definitions, you’ll find an explanation similar to “Specifies that the value of the direction property should be inherited from the parent element,” which is the definition provided by

Yet that explanation won’t do much for a layman. However, if you can manage to make sense of the definition by putting it in your own words, it will be much easier to remember what the “inherit” value does. So instead of “Specifies the value of the direction property, etc.,” you can reword it to “If using the ‘inherit’ value for the ‘direction’ property, the words on the page will be read in the same way as it does in the element containing the ‘direction’ property.” Of course, providing an example always helps: “If a ‘div’ uses the direction property to make the text read right to left (div {direction:rtl;}), then I can make paragraphs inside the ‘div’ read the same way. All I have to do is use the code ‘div p {direction:inherit;}.’ That says that all paragraphs inside a ‘div’ will use the same text direction as the ‘div.’”

Use Your Own Vocabulary

Similar to technical definitions, the vocabulary in CSS is also relatively technical (e.g., the aforementioned “property” and “value”). For a while, I had trouble remembering the difference between “element,” “property” and “value.” Then I broke down the words and substituted words that made more sense to me. An element is just a part of something (hydrogen is a part of water). So in my head, instead of “element,” I use the words “HTML part.” That way, I always remember that “element” refers to the HTML part of the code.

Don’t Copy and Paste

“You learn by doing” is an established mantra used by countless teachers. One of the best ways to learn CSS is to craft a site from scratch – by yourself. Instead of copying and pasting code from various sites to achieve desired results, or using a template that already has most of the code intact, type each letter for each element (“HTML part”). Every time you type out a CSS property (what I call a “styler”) and declare a value for it, you’ll become more familiar with the property, the values that change it and what the result looks like. But if you copy and paste everything, you’ll only become familiar with copying and pasting and easily forget the purpose of each styler – and even which ones exist.

Numerous techniques for learning CSS are available from a wide variety of sites. But it’s crucial to make sense of CSS in your own head instead of always relying on the work of other people.

Monday, 1 August 2011

5 Hot Design Trends for Aspiring Bloggers

The Web Design Trends Series is brought to you by the Intel AppUp℠ Developer Program, which provides developers with everything they need to create and then sell their applications to millions of Intel Atom™ processor-based devices. Learn more here.

So you want to start a blog. You’ve already picked out your subject matter — “Tiny Kittens in Tinier Bowls” — and you’re ready to start defining the look of your online domain.

Well, there are tons of blog design trends out there just clamoring for your attention — some more advanced than others — and depending on the style, content and theme of your blog, there are a lot of factors to take into account. In fact, sometimes the plethora of choices you have at your disposal can be overwhelming, especially if your only experience blogging was on LiveJournal back in 2003.

Before you give up and start scrawling your musings on notebook paper to distribute as a makeshift ‘zine on the street corners of your ‘hood, take a look at some words of wisdom we’ve collected from a bevy of designers and other webby folks about what’s hot right now in blogs.

Take inspiration where you will, initiative where you dare, and, of course, everything with a grain of salt. After all, unless you’re a designer peddling your graphical wares, your blog is all about your content, and the trick is to showcase that content to the best of your abilities. And, of course, it’s important to avoid creating a messy, busy GeoCities-esque travesty — unless, of course, the theme of your blog is “Messy, Busy GeoCities-esque Travesties.” Then, by all means, have at it.


Sunday, 31 July 2011

DropBox Website Hosting On Your Own Custom Domain With DropPages

Register your domain for DropPages now:

Instant 1-click domain setup, no technical skills required.
Already have a domain? Start your transfer today.

Publish your website with DropPages

DropPages LogoDropPages makes it easy to host your site harnessing the full power of DropBox. Simply edit source files on your computer and they're published to the web immediately. You can also share data and collaborate with others, all with full version control and auto-backup to your DropBox folder.

The service creates friendly URLs and lets you choose from different themes. By upgrading your DropPages site you'll get custom domain functionality and up to 1 GB of space.

Please note: iWantMyName is not affiliated with DropPages and only offers domain registration / DNS hosting services.

DropBox hosting on your own domain

How to set up DropPages for your domain in 3 simple steps:

  1. Buy a new domain name or transfer your web address
  2. Now proceed to the "Setup" tab in your dashboard
  3. Choose DropPages from the iWantMyName marketplace

Setting up DropPages to host your website on DropBox from the iWantMyName dashboard is dead-simple. We'll automagically add all necessary DNS records for your domain.

Web hosting on

What's wrong with content management systems?

Nothing. They're great for big websites who have editors who login everyday and push new content through powerful workflows. But that's not everyone. That's not even most people. If you're like me, you're probably tired of logging in, wrestling with an archaic WYSIWYG editor and wondering why you must upload every new file by hand.

Maybe you're a web designer, juggling 10 different sites for different clients, wishing you'd written down those FTP details somewhere safer. If only changing some html were as easy as open->edit->save.

Why this is better

  • Simplicity. Edit your files on your computer, save and you're done.
  • No logins. No passwords to remember. woop!
  • Sharing. Need someone else to edit pages? Share the folder with them.
  • Backup. Everything is synced between your computer, Dropbox and DropPages. It's safe.
  • Fast. Quick to edit, quick to render.

Why not just edit static HTML directly?

  • Dropbox keeps each version of your file as you save it
  • Friendly URLs
  • Navigational elements are automatically generated
  • Content is Minified, GZipped and Cached for the best performance possible
  • Content is separated from HTML, helping to prevent invalid HTML creeping into your pages. Markdown is friendly to read and quick to write.

Sandvox vs. Rapidweaver (Page 1) / Sandvox General / Karelia Community Forum

Sandvox vs. Rapidweaver (Page 1) / Sandvox General / Karelia Community Forum

myRapidWeaver - resource site

Welcome to the all new myRapidWeaver.

I've been around RapidWeaver and the Forums for over 5 years.

Since the beginning, I've been dedicated to RapidWeaver and Realmac Software.

The purpose, for me, has always been to provide support to the growing RapidWeaver community by providing a "one stop shop" where they could find simple access to the constantly growing 3rd Party Developers and additions that are available.

I hope you find my site easy to navigate and that you are able to find exactly what you are looking for.
If something is missing, feel free to contact me.

I look forward to serving everyone well into the future. And thanks for your continuing support.

RapidWeaver Classroom | Learn RapidWeaver with Screencast Lessons and Video Tutorials

Our RapidWeaver video tutorials help you build great websites.

Become an Expert
Become an expert

RapidWeaver Classroom is the most comprehensive RapidWeaver training resource available. Every feature of RapidWeaver is covered in detail, without leaving gaps or skipping key points -- and our tutorials are kept up-to-date with the latest changes.
Know the Tools
Know the tools

One of RapidWeaver's major strengths is its 3rd-party add-ons. RapidWeaver Classroom's curriculum includes a huge section of tutorials covering plugins, stacks and themes, so you will know what tools are available to you, as well as how to use them.
Gain Confidence Fast
Gain confidence FAST

You don't need to spend months learning how to use RapidWeaver before you even start developing your website. Our video tutorials will give you the confidence to begin building a professional, functional website in a matter of days.
Control Your Website
Control your website

RapidWeaver allows you to build great websites and maintain them yourself. The RapidWeaver Classroom tutorials train you to excel in developing your website, so you have control over the presentation and functionality of your content.

View our complete curriculum of RapidWeaver video tutorials.

How to Upload Blog Templates to Blogger |

How to Upload Blog Templates to Blogger |

  • Open a Web browser and log in to your Blogger account. This opens the Blogger "Dashboard" page.
  • Find the blog that you want to edit from the list of blogs on the "Dashboard."
  • Click the "Design" link under the blog heading. This opens the design-settings page for the blog.
  • Click the "Edit HTML" link from the top menu. Find the "Backup/Restore Template" heading at the top of the page.
  • Click the "Choose File" button beside "Upload a Template From a File on Your Hard Drive." Browse through your computer to find the Blogger template file. This ends with a ".xml" file extension. Click the file to select it.
  • Click the "Upload" button to upload the blog template to Blogger. This replaces your existing template with the new template.
  • Click the "Save Template" button at the bottom of the page.
Read more: How to Upload Blog Templates to Blogger |

5+ Uses Of Dropbox That Every Blogger Should Be Aware Of

also: Useful Dropbox Tips for Designers and Bloggers

Useful Dropbox Tips for Designers and Bloggers, by in Blogging, Dropbox

Dropbox is one of the most useful tools I found this year. Another one is Google Reader. Seriously I didn’t know it can do wonders. Every time I Google something I come up some Dropbox news, so here is my contribution.

For people who are not aware Dropbox, it is a Web-based file hosting service that uses cloud computing to enable users to store and share files and folders with others across the Internet using file synchronization.

#1 – Use As Content Delivery Network (CDN) : You can improve the loading speed of your site by using a CDN to host your website’s static content like images, CSS and JS Files.

A content delivery network or content distribution network (CDN) is a system of computers containing copies of data, placed at various points in a network so as to maximize bandwidth for access to the data from clients throughout the network. [via Wikipedia]
With the help of Dropbox CDN WordPress plugin you can use your Dropbox ‘Public’ folder as a free Content Delivery Network (CDN). This plugin allows you to upload your themes CSS, JavaScript, and Images into your Dropbox ‘Public’ folder and server these files from the Dropbox network, reducing the bandwidth of your server and allowing users to load your site faster.
Tutorial : Use Dropbox as a CDN for your WordPress Files

#2 – Backup Your WordPress Blog : WordPress Backups is one of the recommended basic security tips for your blog.
wp Time Machine WordPress plugin creates an archive of all your WordPress Data & Files and then stores them on Dropbox, Amazon’s S3, or your FTP host. It can perform an automatic backup of your WordPress MySQL database, themes, plug-ins and all the other files and images that you may upload to your WordPress folder. Just enter your Dropbox credentials and hit the Generate Archive button. Bingo!
Tutorial : Backup your WordPress Blog to Dropbox

#3 – Use With Your Web Domain : Every Dropbox account comes with a useful ‘Public’ folder. You can use that folder to host documents, images, and other stuffs that you want to share with everyone. By personalizing the default Dropbox URL you can indirectly promote your brand, track individual file downloads, and make it look less complex.
Default Dropbox URL :
Personalized URL :
Tutorial : Use Dropbox with your own Web Domain

#4 – Make Your Own Website : Dropbox is an easy way to create a quick website without the need for a server. You can easily get a hosting provider for your blog/website. You are limited to client side scripts and HTML since Dropbox cannot run any server side stuff.
  • Create a folder in your Public folder for your website.
  • Put your entire website under this folder.
  • Right click on the homepage of your website (usually something like home.htm or index.html) and get the public URL for it.
Tutorial : Make Your Own Website

#5 – Control Your Home Web Server : You can simply add a vHost to your web server and point it to a folder inside your Dropbox home and voila! You have complete control over the content you’re hosting!
The basic idea behind this is to use vHosts to have the website contents in the Dropbox folder. The post explains how to do this for Tomcat or Apache. It’s also useful with IIS and Visual Studio. Simply add a symlink of your wwwroot to “My Dropbox” and you have your website on the net to control. When making web application in Visual Studio, simple ‘Public’ the project to the folder inside the wwwroot inside “My Dropbox” and your website is update, no matter where you are working at.
Tutorial : Controlling Your Home Web Server Content

#6 – Automatic & Free Web Publishing Solution : Ever wondered that you can use the very same Dropbox as an automatic Web Publishing Solution (as an alternative to SVN and other technologies). It only takes three steps in order to get your Dropbox running as a Web Publishing solution. However, you won’t be able to do so if you don’t have full access to the server.
  • Installing Dropbox on the server
  • Sharing data between multiple Dropbox accounts
  • Configuring the webserver
  • Running Dropbox as a service
Tutorial : Using Dropbox as an automatic and free Web Publishing solution

#7 – Create Your Personal Wiki : With TiddlyWiki and Dropbox you can set up your own wiki that is easy to use and available from anything with a web browser.
TiddlyWiki is extremely flexible and can accommodate many needs with some of the variations available. Before you pay for another note taking program, or if you are unhappy with the one you currently have, download TiddlyWiki for free and see how it can suit your needs.
Tutorial : Build Your Own Personal Wiki Accessible from Any PC