Wednesday, 20 June 2012

The Future of RapidWeaver - realmacsoftware

The Future of RapidWeaver - realmacsoftware

Kevin Mullins
"The thing that amazes me the most is that RM to not develop any plugins themselves and its probable that people like Joe Workman earn as much revenue"
That is what surprises me. I have a love/hate relationship with Rapidweaver but if they themselves threw their weight behind developing quality stacks in-house or built out the robustness of the platform through incorporating CMS (PageLime) or buying Armadillo they could flourish. I mean, how are they making money at this? Personally, I think that the 3rd-party ecosystem through them off guard and like facebook, they haven't found a way to monetize the monster they've created. Hence, the need to develop their other platforms to keep the ship afloat.

I think we're at a cross-roads and RMS needs to decide very quickly who their market is, otherwise little by little their long-term users (read advanced) are going to leave for more robust eco-systems like Wordpress.