Monday, 20 August 2012

Swicki FAQs

Swicki FAQs

What is a swicki?

A swicki is a custom search portal built around a topic of your choice. Unlike most search engines, a swicki can be built by anyone using keywords and topics. Swicki publishers can choose between various content sources such as blogs, specific websites, and/or general web results, multimedia including images and video, and the option to add RSS feeds. The final product is a search portal that returns highly relevant results. Additionally, the benefit of swickis extends to community usage as well. Each search, click and vote produces more relevant results for the next user, making the swicki an ideal addition to any group passionate about a specific topic.

How is a swicki different?

Think of a swicki as an ongoing conversation with a community. When customized and used frequently, swickis return the most relevant results about a topic on the first page of results. The community powered aspect of swickis set it apart from generic search engines and produces a social search phenomenon that gives each user a voice in the final results outcome.

How do I create a swicki?

Build a new swicki by visiting our builder page. There you can begin the customization by picking a topic, adding keywords, and selecting search preferences, multimedia results, and RSS feeds. Once complete, add the swicki as a widget to your website or blog from our publish page. In just a few easy steps, the swicki is ready to use by your community.

How do I add a swicki to a website?

Swickis can be displayed as rectangular shaped search widgets on websites. The search widgets include a search box and keyword terms added during customization (commonly referred to as tag clouds). These search widgets are available in various sizes, and publishers can pick the widget size while customizing. Once customized, publishers take the widget HTML code from the publish page and add it to their website or blog. The result is a visually appealing search widget that can be easily accessed by the community.

How else can I use a swicki?

In addition to the widget options, each swicki is given a unique url and home page. A publisher can place the url on a website, add it to an email signature, or include it in their community forum for others to use.

Where can I manage my swicki?

After creating a swicki, a publisher can review and manage community feedback and make edits by accessing the control panel and management tools within the website. The control panel and management tools let a publisher automatically add new keywords suggested by community members or delete old ones, change multimedia and web results, and redesign the widget look and feel. All changes occur instantaneously.

Are there current swickis I can use for a website?

Yes, the swicki directory contains a current selection of over 100,000 swickis built by our customers. Each swicki can be grabbed by a community member via a link on the widget and results page. Successful swickis will virally spread throughout the web and can experience many additions to sites, increasing its popularity.

Why does swicki sound like wiki?

Swicki = search + wiki. They are like wikis in that they are collaborative. Your community can actively collaborate to modify and focus the results of the search engine through every search, click and vote.

Do swickis cost money to build?

Swickis are currently free to build. Businesses and e-commerce sites also have the option to use SwickiPRO.